Life Transitions

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

– John Maxwell

End of relationship or divorce

Career change or burnout

Midlife crisis

Retirement or disability

Serious personal illness or accident

Estate and executor duties

Caregiving aging parent or partner

Lawsuit or litigation

Life is not stagnant but ever-changing.

Life is not predicable despite our careful plans.

Being confronted by losses, crises, and other life transitions is disorienting and plain hard.

These big life changes are demanding of your time and energy, making it hard to focus on anything else.

You find yourself overwhelmed, depleted, and doing your best to just hang on…

Change can cause emotional upheaval.

It is normal to feel overwhelmed by change.

You might be experiencing strong emotions or even feel numb.

It’s hard to concentrate or think clearly.

You think to yourself, “How am I going to get through this ordeal?”

Despite these painful circumstances, this time of crisis can be an opportunity for you to learn how to grow, thrive, and make your life meaningful and happy once again.

Learn to embrace change.

I will help you find acceptance for how hard your life is now. I offer compassion, kindness, and deep listening, as we explore the right choices and decisions that will restore your sense of inner balance.

You will gain self-awareness, as you learn new ways to cope and build inner resilience. Growth and healing happen, as you provide care for yourself.


With transition comes growth.

A fact about trees provides an excellent example of the process of growth.

Scientists determined that healthy trees need the wind to blow against them in their growth and development… as it enables their roots to grow deeper… which supports the tree as it grows taller.

I will help you learn how to embrace the natural flow of change, so you can grow, thrive, and build your inner strength.