Internal Family Systems Therapy

Gentle, yet powerful

I chose the above picture of a geothermal pool from my beloved Yellowstone National Park, because it portrays the transformative beauty of the Internal Family Systems’ method.

These thermal pools contain such wonderous power and mystery… just beneath the earth’s surface. Our inner world is quite similar… often our most beautiful power is held beyond our awareness. Recognizing that we are more than meets the eye is the beginning of the journey within.

Internal Family Systems, or IFS, is an experiential therapy that uses your own loving presence and awareness for healing. We call this loving energy, the Self.

The heart and soul of this work is to be present with and lovingly befriend the troubled or hurt aspects of your personality; we call them Parts.

The healing power of the Self

Let’s do a quick experiment. Take a moment to pause and get comfortable… and notice how you feel when reading the following:

Compassion, Calm, Clarity, Curiosity, Connection, Confidence, Courage, Creativity

Maybe you remembered some good moments with a loved one, your pet, nature, or music. Or maybe you just noticed feeling lighter or more centered.

These words describe the energy around and inside of us when we access our Self. This energy allows more space and room in your mind and body to listen from the inside out.

Your own Self energy becomes the loving balm to safely heal your past, current hurt, and stuck parts of your life.

We call them parts

Our mind contains many thoughts and feelings that are often conflicting. In IFS, we regard these as parts of your inner world or your internal family.

Our inner parts learn to conflict in their effort to help when a painful or traumatic experience occurs.

Then our protective system moves in to keep everything in control.

Vulnerability can be easily triggered with intense feelings of sadness, anger, unworthiness, shame, or even despair.

Excess behaviors such as drug and alcohol usage, work, or exercise is used to soothe the pain. In the end, this only creates more chaos and imbalance.

Healing brings hope

The lasting solution to these internal conflicts is to help those vulnerable parts.

The healing power of the Self is used to help release the emotional trauma and intense feelings.

Once this happens, your inner world feels safe and is now free to choose, hope, and express your fullest joy.

You’ll get through this. I can help.

Let’s Restore Yourself.

Call (773) 580-2940 for a free 20-minute consultation.