Health Issues

Life happens

Hearing news of your or a loved one’s diagnosis of cancer, heart disease, or incurable illness is life-shattering. It takes your breath away, as you know your life will never be the same again.

Somehow you must go on and learn how to adjust and cope.

But you haven’t a clue how you’re going to do that.

Losing your emotional balance

Whether you or a loved one are the patient, it makes sense if you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Not only are you adjusting to the new diagnosis, but also you are dealing with the endless doctor and medical appointments. Your daily focus has shifted to this health crisis.

Losing your health is an emotional trauma that takes time to recover.

After losing your balance, I can help you regain your inner equilibrium. You can restore your calm and peace when you need it the most.

Navigating the medical system

Navigating the medical system is challenging.

There are many specialists and several levels and options of care to consider when making some of the most important decisions of your life.

It makes sense that you may need help to clarify your options and explore solutions. I offer my extensive experience in working in hospice and healthcare and can help you feel empowered during this health crisis.

The goal is to find peace and comfort for you and your family member.

Help for the caregiver

Illness also affects your loved ones.

Maybe you are the spouse, daughter, or sibling that is asked to now be a caregiver. Or perhaps you’re preparing for the sad reality of your loved one’s future death.

Your loving devotion is admirable but also demanding. Dealing with the changing needs of your aging parent, spouse, or family member is physically draining and emotionally exhausting as well.

I offer a safe place for you to vent, cry, problem solve, and receive understanding, support, and compassion. I will also help you find ways to care for your own needs, even though you are so busy and committed.

You do not have to do this alone. You will find that caring for your own needs is supportive for all.

Your legacy

If you have received news of an incurable illness or have signed on to hospice services, you might be reflecting on what feels unfinished in your life. I can help you find peace and acceptance of your own mortality.

I would be honored to help you identify areas of your life that you wish to have more closure.

Your life matters… to you and those you love. Memorialize your life’s legacy in a way that has meaning for you.

Call (773) 580-2940 for a free 20-minute consultation.